THIS Is The Gross Earbud Habit We're All Guilty Of | xHots.Net

We've all been there. You show up to work and dig around for your earbuds, only to realize they're at home on the counter. Ugh. Whatever will you do? You could just ask a coworker for their extra pair, but maybe you'd be further ahead to just grab a crappy pair from the dollar store.
While, yeah, they suck, there are way worse things out there. "Like what", you ask? 
Well, let me tell you, my green young friend! Apparently, sharing earbuds is a HUGE no-no.
Are you a serial sharer? Be sure the SHARE this article with your friends and tell them to get their own damn earbuds!

I know, I know. 

Sometimes you're desperate. You NEED to borrow earbuds because how else are you gonna make it through the day/workout/train ride?

But the issues with earbud sharing are not just dangerous, they're downright nasty.

Your ear canal is a special little snowflake.

It has its own bacteria and fungi that live there. They are happy where they are, and they are (usually) balanced.\

But when you share earbuds, you introduce new micro-organisms.

Unlike teaching your toddler to make new friends at daycare, this is a really bad idea. Especially if you don't clean your earbuds properly.