Lion Gets Much-Needed Dental Work That Changes His Life

Everyone needs a doctor at one point or another. Domesticated and farm animals have vets, and apparently there are dentist vets for our fuzzy friends just like the ones people visit. Sure, this is great for the animals we care for, but what about the wild ones? What about the animals out in the wilderness, struggling and suffering with ailments and conditions humans can help with? As it turns out, there are people looking out for those animals too. In this story, you get to see a lion get a whole new life with the help of an animal dentist. 
Aslan is a beautiful white lion with a painful problem. He is missing teeth, and the nerves that remain exposed bring him nothing but agony. The chronic pain made him depressed and unable to live up to the lion he could be. With the help of this amazing team of people, this lion was able to get a professional surgery and treatment to make sure the nerve was dead and could no longer cause pain. He's so happy when it's done! Enjoy!

4 Incredibly Powerful Images

We live in a crazy world. Too often, we hear or see stories of sadness or hatred that may give us a bleak outlook on life.
But sometimes, we capture the most incredible sights and moments that have the ability to change our whole perspective!
Here are 16 incredibly powerful images that will restore your faith in humanity and your appreciation for our good Earth.
SHARE this list with friends who need some amazement in their lives!

1. These firefighters rescuing a woman from her car that was about to go over a bridge.

The ultimate courage.

2. This woman who performed CPR on her five-month-old nephew on the side of the road.

He made it to the hospital and is totally okay now!

3. This dog named Leao who sits at the grave of his former owner who was killed in a landslide near Rio de Janeiro.

This is heartbreaking. And they say animals don't feel love...

4. This tornado that dwarfs 100-foot windmills.

The power of nature is unchallenged.

The easiest, no-fuss way to remove your nail polish.

These are just messed up, my brain hurts!

Model Speaks Out About How This Popular Picture Ruined Her Life

It is often said that seeing is believing. Well in the case of Taiwanese model Heidi Yeh, this may not be entirely true. The model has spoken out about an image meme on the internet that has ruined her life and her career.
Have you ever been misunderstood on the internet? Be sure to SHARE this shocking story to help make things right.

"Just because I'm a model, people can hurt me like this and I can't fight back. I just want to hide."

Yeh's story begins with shooting an advertisement for a Taiwanese cosmetic clinic depicting an attractive couple and 3 children who have had their facial features digitally altered to highlight a contrast between 

The advertisement had a caption that read "The only thing you'll ever have to worry about is how to explain it to the kids."

According to Heidi Yeh, the contract signed by her agency and international advertising firm J Walter Thompson was for newspaper and print usage by only the one clinic. However, this would not end up being the case.

Eventually JWT allowed another clinic, Simple Beauty, to make use of the image as well as posting it to the JWT Facebook page.

At this point, the image spread like wildfire across the internet and rumors started to take hold.

The image was turned into a meme and shared across the internet with a new caption.

Yeh had never had plastic surgery done, but had now become the center of many rumors and speculations about her personal life.

Before and After of Mothers Going Through Amazing Transformations

This Dad And His Son Cut Open A Wasp Nest Just To See What's Inside

This is one of those videos you need to watch twice. Not because it's too complicated. Not because it's too fast...but because the first time you watch it, you'll be so apprehensive about what's coming, you won't really be paying full attention. Trust me. It's freaky! Let's just say, I'm happy they're the ones doing this and not me! It takes a while to slice through all the layers, and each time Dad presses the knife further inside, I hold my breath a little harder. The finish is super cool — and well worth the watch! This is a unique opportunity to see inside something most of us never would.